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Våra rådgivare
Våra rådgivare är eller har varit företagare själva, med erfarenhet av vad det innebär att börja från början. De har också nätverk i sina respektive hemorter, en lokal förankring och kan guida dig till näringslivskontakter som du kan ha stor nytta av i ditt blivande affärsliv.
Till rådgivarnas förfogande står även alla de samarbetspartners och experter som stöder vår verksamhet!
Vill du ha kontakt angående din rådgivning så ska du ringa direkt till din rådgivare.

Christer Wallin
Christer has worked as an executive director and book printer in companies of his own for nearly 30 years. Before beginning his work as executive director of LNC, he was a local government commissioner in the municipality of Lund for eight years. He was one of the founders of LNC in 1992 and has been an active part of everything we do since then, as well as serving as a board member and mentor.

070-835 06 95 eller 046-286 88 00

Helén Forssander
Helén Forssander has a lot of experience as a product and marketing director for well-known brands in international companies in addition to as an advisor. She has a degree in business administration and economics and is certified by the Styrelseakademien. She founded her first company in 2013 and for the last four years has acted as a business advisor at LNC.

076-390 90 19

Mats Johnsson
Mats has 25 years of experience as managing director and board member in companies that develop and sell both high-tech products and services in an international market.

070-619 08 00

Magdalena Bibik
Magdalena Bibik has 20 years of experience from sales, marketing and business development, 15 of them being a business owner. She has built companies within different industries and sizes and today she helps her customers package their knowledge and expertise into successful products and services. She has also a few years of education in entrepreneurship, innovation and idea generation under her belt. She speaks Swedish, English and Polish.
Magdalena Bibik ma 20-letnie doświadczenie w sprzedaży, marketingu i rozwoju biznesu, z czego 15 lat na własny rachunek. Tworzyła firmy w różnych branżach i rozmiarach, a dziś pomaga swoim klientom łączyć wiedzę i doświadczenie w udane produkty i usługi. Uczyła również przedsiębiorczości, innowacji i generowania pomysłów. Mówi po szwedzku, angielsku i polsku.

070-554 96 59

Bertil Nilsson
Bertil I. Nilsson has enjoyed a long career spanning both large, international companies and small, local businesses. His focus has mostly been on organizational transformation in innovation and on development, production and logistics in his leadership positions. Bertil has also worked part-time as a teacher in companies and in higher education both in Sweden and abroad. All of that began with a licentiate degree in technology. Bertil’s experience as an entrepreneur reaches back to 1992 and he has worked in various capacities with corporate boards. He has been active as a mentor in some 15 different mentoring programs.
070-327 54 99

Claes Petrén
Claes is a graduate in business administration and has been running an accounting firm since the year 2000. Claes has extensive experience in starting and managing businesses, ranging from sole proprietorships to smaller publicly listed companies. He has also worked as an interim CFO for several companies.

070-510 10 88