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Welcome to Lunds NyföretagarCentrum
LNC (English: The Center for New Entrepreneurs in Lund) provides free business consulting services to anyone who has recently started their own business or is thinking about doing so. Our experienced advisors help you with your idea, budgeting questions, marketing, or whatever else you may want to discuss concerning your entrepreneurial endeavor.
Having made use of our consulting services, you will be well prepared for life as an entrepreneur. All we require from you is your commitment and that you believe in your idea.
Consultations are completely free of charge thanks to a network of partners who support us both financially and with personal expertise and dedication.
LNC has assisted entrepreneurs and newly-launched companies through our business consulting services since 1992. More than 3,000 businesses have been started with our support and help. We evaluate and develop 300 business ideas annually, 100 of which result in companies being founded.

Christer Wallin, CEO LNC

Individual Business Consultation
This service is what you’re looking for if you already have an idea and want to get going on your business plan. Prepare for your meeting by beginning to work on your business plan. This will serve as the foundation for your personal consultation, where you and your advisor will further develop it. The number of consultation sessions you will book and will benefit from depends on how far you have come in your process. Consultations usually last about one hour and can be conducted in Swedish or English.

Group Course: Starting Your Own
We developed this course to best fit our local conditions. It gives anyone considering starting their own company a good overview of what that entails.
- Sessions take place every Wednesday with the exception of the summer months (June-August).
- On the last Wednesday of every month, the course is conducted in English.
- Time and location: 16:00 – 18:00 at LNC
- Coffee and tea are provided during breaks.
Our Advisors

Christer Wallin
Business Counselor and CEO at LNC

Helén Forssander
Advisor at LNC

Mats Johnsson
Business Counselor

Magdalena Bibik
Advisor at LNC
Doradca biznesowy

Bertil Nilsson
Business Counselor

Claes Petrén
Advisor at LNC